錫羅斯島是愛琴海上基克拉迪群島中的一座島嶼,隸屬於南愛琴大區。錫羅斯島形狀不規則,最高點海拔442米,島上少樹木,位於東部海灣的埃爾穆波利由威尼斯人在13世紀創建,是錫思羅斯島的主要港口和首府城市。埃爾穆波利以希臘掌管商業之神:赫耳墨斯的名字命名,該城又被稱為“基克拉迪女王”,在19世紀,該港的重要性甚至超出雅典比雷埃夫斯港(Piraeus Harbour)。

Sitting in the heart of the Aegean Sea, Syros is a mixture of Cycladic and Venetian architecture with whitewashed houses blending with colorful mansions and big churches, surrounded by the Cycladic nature. 


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The church of Agios Nikolaos is one of the most impressive edifices of Syros, centrally located close to the Miaoulis Square and is dedicated to Saint Nicholas who is the city’s patron saint. The masterful temple that dates back to 1870 was designed by the architect G. Metaxas, while King Otto was personally interested in the building’s resurgence and many sponsors, such as Queen Olga, contributed financially for its realization.



錫羅斯島由自然美景和傳統村鎮所組成,全島既有史前青銅時代典型的基克拉迪文化建築,又有新古典主義影響的獨特建築,給遊客美的享受。島上最受歡迎的細沙灘,是西海岸的佳麗薩斯海灘(Galissas Beach),那是個水清見底的酒綠色淺海,兩座山對峙形成一個面向愛琴海的海灣。公共汽車和出租車都可以開到離海灘很近的地方,遊客還可以選擇去南邊的米嘉羅斯村(Megas Gialos) 或者芬妮卡斯村的海灘(Finikas)。
The capital of Syros island, Ermoupoli, is considered one of the most picturesque Cyclades capitals. Venetian mansions, spectacular sunset views, narrow alleys, neoclassical buildings, and impressive catholic and orthodox churches ooze a fairytale charm! Ideal for families and couples who seek a romantic, yet laid-back holiday destination, Syros has an elegant and nostalgic vibe that enchants every visitor.
Galissas Beach Syros: Galissas is the most popular beach resort on the island of Syros, located approximately 5 km from Ermoupolis, the island's capital town. It is actually a small bay; the waters are safe, thus ideal for families with small kids.
The seashore is golden sandy and short trees along the coast provide some sort of shade. The beach has been awarded the EU Blue Flag award, which assures the cleanness of its waters. Windsurfing is a very popular activity on this resort.
The island’s coastline is fringed with beautiful Syros beaches, the most popular of which are located on the southern side of the island. The best Syros beaches are Kini beach, Galissa beach, Delfini beach, and Dellagratsia beach.


Many accommodation options also lay by the seaside as well as traditional taverns, cafes and beach bars. Another beach, Armeos beach, is within a walking distance from Galissas and can be reached following a narrow path, after you pass the church of Agia Pakou.



Ermoupoli, the capital of Syros island and also the orthodox town of Syros, is an architectural gem! Colorful mansions, neoclassical buildings, imposing orthodox churches and squares, create the most postcard-perfect place in Syros! For a dip into the culture of Ermoupolis, visit the Town Hall building, which was created by Ernst Ziller, Apollo Theater and Pallas cinema.




The beautiful town of Ermoupolis is the capital of Syros as well as of the entire Cyclades. It is a commercially and culturally developed sea settlement of unique architectural beauty, a great reminder of the brilliant past of the city. This town was founded by the refugees and Greek revolutionaries who came from various parts of Greece, such as Chios, Psara, Kassos, Crete, Asia Minor, to the French-protected Syros to escape the massacres organized by the Turks during the Greek Independence and after the Revolution of 1821.
Hiking the hill above Ermoupoli, you’ll find the Catholic town of Syros, Ano Syros. While Ermoupoli boasts a Venetian beauty, Ano Syros is the typical Cycladic town with whitewashed houses and narrow alleys. Ano Syros seems to have been made for strolls! Wander at its narrow little lanes, visit the Renaissance Cathedral of Saint George and marvel at the breathtaking view to Ermoupolis. Let this place bewitch you!



Ermoupolis owes its name to Hermes, the god of trade. The great economic prosperity of the city was followed by a social and cultural development and the appearance of a Greek bourgeoisie.The glorious past of the capital can still be seen in its wonderful neoclassical architecture: old mansions, marble paved streets, grandiose marble squares, imposing churches, monuments, statues and well preserved superb neoclassical buildings adorn the amphitheatrically built city. This architecture justifies the various names the town often used to be called Little Milan and the Duchess of the Aegean.
基督重生教堂位於愛琴海上錫羅斯島的首府城市埃爾穆波利。基督重生教堂位於埃爾穆波利北部的山頂上,於1874年由當地建築師Dimitris Eleftheriadis設計建造,這是一座拜占庭風格教堂,具有新古典主義元素、標誌性的藍色圓頂和令人印象深刻的鐘樓和非常特別的圖標。
The Orthodox Church of Resurrection is located on the top of Vrodados Hill, overlooking the Aegean sea and the city of Hermoupolis unfolding beneath. The church was built in 1870, on the spot where a memorial of the Greek Revolution of 1821 was supposed to be erected and was designed by the architect Dimitris Eleftheriadis. Being at the same height as the church of St. George in the neighbouring hill of Ano Syros, makes this edifice one of Syros’ iconic landmarks.



This impressive building houses the Town Hall of Ermoupolis and it is the trademark of the island. It was constructed in the Neoclassical architecture by Ernst Ziller, a famous architect in Greece. The Town Hall is located in Miaouli square.





The magnificent Miaouli Square is one of the most beautiful squares in Greece. It is known for its tall palm tree that shadows small coffee shops and restaurants, creating an attractive scene and relaxing atmosphere. The square is surrounded by the superb building of the Town Hall which was designed by the famous Bavarian architect Ziller and finished in 1898. It is the most magnificent neoclassical building in Greece and the most grandiose of all the mansions in Syros.


Syros is famous for one thing in particular: Syros Easter! Every spring, Ermoupolis bursts with life, as it is the center of the Easter festivities. People from all over the world go to Syros to live the original Greek Easter experience, including Easter, treats, gospel chanting in the island’s beautiful churches, holy processions, religious hymns, and feasts.






Capuchin Monastery | Located near the wonderful cathedral of Agios Georgios, the Jesuit Monastery of Agios Ioannis (Saint-Jean) was founded in 1535 to help the poor. It obtained its present appearance in 1852. It houses some beautiful icons, ancient inscriptions, various objects of worship and an important library of 6000 old books and manuscripts.



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