終於來到了我 Bucket List 中的島嶼,從雅典搭郵輪約7小時 / 40歐元,剛到時,說真的有點失望,因為島嶼本身還是保有希臘風格,就是髒亂,且因為是火山島,所以其實海灘的顏色都是灰灰黑黑的,但如果你走進了他們傳統的村落,那全白藍頂的建築真的很讓人融化,每個角度都好美,不需要任何厲害的景,這簡單的顏色,就是我一直嚮往的。好可愛的地方!

Santorini 聖托里尼島: 世界最美的夕陽 Oia 伊亞,每個轉角都有機會看到彷彿明信片般的藍頂教堂.
伊亞 Oia 是希臘南愛琴大區聖托里尼島的一個風景如畫的小鎮,位於該島的西北端,這個小鎮總共才大約兩公里長, 離海拔大約 70-400公尺高. 大部分的房子都蓋在火山臼的邊緣, 也有許多房子是沿火山岩裡面鑽洞進去, 就形成所謂的 “洞穴屋”獨特的景色.
The Best Sunset in the World ! - Oia
Oia is a small village and former community in the South Aegean on the islands of Thira (Santorini) and Therasia, in the Cyclades, Greece.
Its economic prosperity was based on its merchant fleet, which plied trade in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially from Alexandria to Russia. The two-story captains' houses built on the highest part of the village are a reminder of the village's former affluence. Part of the town was destroyed by the 1956 earthquake.
聖托里尼伊亞-最浪漫的藍頂教堂街拍,帶你走攝影師最佳拍攝地點路線 此行程為私人訂製行程,可依據預定客人的需求作調整 服務包含行前線上諮詢和行程規劃,全程陪伴導覽和攝影服務。照片挑選後風格檔調色jpg檔全給,大約有80-100張照片, 另外我們有提供專業婚紗攝影和化妝造型婚紗禮服出租等服務。
1小時 / 190歐元,2小時 / 300歐元
中文聯絡 | LINE ID : toto1104 | WeChat ID : totokuophoto
Something different for your trip ...
Santorini Blue Dome Photo Tour

We will meet up in Oia where the most beautiful sunset. I will start show you around the village where to take the best photos. Also i will tell the story about this beautiful volcano island. I can recommend some good restaurants and coffee shops around the island. You can change clothes between the photo shooting. 
In 1 hour i will take more than 100 photos and you will get edited photos in 2 weeks.
For 1 hour / 190 euro,for 2 hours / 300 euro
For more info you can find me 
on instagram by name "totokuo" or on FB "Toto Kuo"
費拉 山頂上的白色糖霜
Firá is the modern capital of the Greek Aegean island of Santorini.  Fira is a city of white-washed houses built on the edge of the 400 metres (1,312 feet) high caldera on the western edge of the semi-circular island of Thera. The two main museums of interest are the Archaeological Museum of Thera and the Museum of Prehistoric Thera built on the site of an earlier church destroyed in the 1956 Amorgos earthquake.
Access to Fira is mainly by roads on its eastern side, climbing from its port via the Z-shaped footpath on foot or on donkeys, or by riding the steep cable car from its lower terminal by the port.
From Fira there is a panoramic view of the 18 kilometres (11 miles) long caldera from southern Cape Akrotiri to northern Cape Ag. Nikolaos, plus the volcanic island Nea Kameni at the center with Thirassia Island. Large cruise ships anchor in the small harbor between Nea Kameni and Fira.
Pyrgos Kallistis is a village on the Aegean island of Santorini, Greece.It is built amphitheatrically on a hill that offers magnificent views of Santorini in almost all directions. On top of this hill remain the ruins of a Venetian castle that was once the island's administrative center. 
Pyrgos is a typical example of medieval architecture with narrow, labyrinthine streets, fortified walls and hidden passages. Nowadays it is one of the villages of Santorini least spoiled by tourism.
全島最大的村莊 - 安坡里奧,距離費拉12公里,靠近以利亞山,這裡比較不像其它村莊這麼多觀光景點,不過比較可以看到當地人的生活景象,我個人非常喜歡這個村莊。
Emporeio is a village on the island of SantoriniGreece. It is located 12 km from Fira, near the Profitis Ilias Mountains. According to the 2011 census, the community of Emporio has 3,085 permanent inhabitants.Among other attractions, Emporio boasts the old Goulas Castle and Saint Nicholas Marmaritis.
里尼本島面積約73平方公里,比澎湖本島的65平方公里稍大,西南側有Akrotiri的紅沙灘(Red Beach)、東南Perissa的黑沙灘(Black Beach)、東邊Kamari也是黑沙灘、南端Vlychada的白沙
灘(White Beach) ,其中最著名的就是 Red Beach,從高處看真的很美,海水非常清澈,崖壁一片紅,據說因為這裡的海水含有鐵質,把岩石及沙石也染紅了。要到達沙灘,還有一段路!要爬過下面這條崎嶇小山路,大約10分鐘路程。
Red Beach Santorini: The red beach is arguably one of the most famous and beautiful beaches of Santorini. It is located only some steps away from the ancient site of Akrotiri. The small size of the beach creates a much crowded atmosphere and there are many days where most of the visitors choose not to make it all the way down to the beach and instead admire this unique landscape of red and black volcanic rocks from the headland. 

The access is relatively easy. You can leave your car at the parking space and continue all the way down that takes about two minutes. As you gradually get down to the beach you will be impressed by the different colorings of the cliffs.

Snorkeling is highly recommended due to the interesting rocks. You can also access the beach by boat that departs from Akrotiri port.

想要來點不一樣的 - 特別推薦!



最浪漫的希臘小島 - 聖托里尼婚紗攝影
共2小時拍攝小島上2個景點,超時每小時 100歐元。
器材為:佳能相機 EOS 5D Mark IV+一個專業燈光Profoto B1 light。
標準基本修片150張相片+10張攝影師Galanopoulos 簽名檔精修照
共4小時拍攝小島上3個景點,超時每小時 120歐元。
器材為:佳能相機 EOS 5D Mark IV+2個專業燈光Profoto B1 light。
標準基本修片250張相片+25張攝影師Galanopoulos 簽名檔精修照
共6小時拍攝小島上4個景點,超時每小時 140歐元。
器材為:佳能相機 EOS 5D Mark IV+2個專業燈光Profoto B1 light。
標準基本修片350張相片+35張攝影師Galanopoulos 簽名檔精修照
中文聯絡 | LINE ID : toto1104 | WeChat ID : totokuophoto
Would you like something special for your trip?
Pre-Wedding Photography on the most romantic island - Santorini
Giorgos is an esteemed Greek wedding photographer situated on the romantic island of Santorini. He uses this prime location as the idyllic backdrop to dramatic engagement and wedding photographs for couples from all over the world. However, Giorgos also works on the surrounding islands of Crete, Naxos, Paros, Mykonos and Folegandros. In addition, he is willing to travel to international destinations to capture your big day.
International Awards
Artistic Guild Awards of the Wedding Photojournalist Association Q4 2016/reception
Artistic Guild Awards of the Wedding Photojournalist Association Q4 2016/emotions
Artistic Guild Awards of the Wedding Photojournalist Association Q4 2016/ musicians
WPJA 2015 Q3 1st Place: Giorgos Galanopoulos from Santorini, Greece / Patterns / Shapes
WPJA 2015 Q3 4th Place: Giorgos Galanopoulos from Santorini, Greece / Wildcard Portrait


Base Package: €450.00

2 hours of wedding day photography coverage .

Additional time is charged at € 100.00 per hour

1 photographer 1 light assistant, camera Canon 5dSR 50mpx + 1 Profoto Bl light 150 photos delivered with standard editing + 10 advance edited photos with Galanopoulos signature


Middle Package: €1400

6 hours of wedding day photography coverage

additional time is charged at € 100.00 per hour

1 photographer and 1 light assistant, camera Canon 5dSR 50mpx + 1 Profoto B1 light

600 photos delivered with standard editing +35 advance edited photos with Galanopoulos signature


Highest Package: €2100

8 hours of wedding day photography coverage

1 photographer and 2 light assistants, camera Canon 5dS R 50mpx + 2 Profoto B 1 lights

Next day 2 locations photo shooting for 2 hours ( mini van for transportation is included on this day) album design large (12x12inch) 0,30 x 0,30m delivered on high resolution indesign file ready for printing (15 open pages)

900 photos delivered with standard editing +70 advance edited photos with Galanopoulos signature

All photos by Toto Kuo
Wedding / Event / Honeymoon Trip / Food Photography
歐洲婚紗 / 活動 / 蜜月側拍 / 食物 攝影。歐洲地陪。私人訂製
email : toto11046179@gmail.com
WeChat ID : totokuophoto
Line ID : toto1104


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